In its heyday the OG was the focal point of Corwen where many important family events such as weddings and funerals were held. Many Corwen residents met their life partners in the ‘bottom bar’ or at events held in the OG. Thus the OG is very much the ‘heart’ of Corwen, not just from its physical presence on the Town Square but in the role it has played in the lives of so many local people over the years.

Historically the building has its origins as a monastery in the 14 Century with parts of the existing building dating back to that period. Subsequent extensions and redesigns in 1740 and 1890 have led to the impressive building we know today. In the days of the horse drawn stagecoach the OG was an important coaching Inn along the now A5 route. Of the original 23 such inns it is now one of only seven still surviving. Add to this its importance as the home of the first public eisteddfod in Wales in 1789 and the areas links to Owain Glyndŵr and we clearly have a building worth saving for its historical importance.

The fate of many pubs like the OG is distressing. Many are bought by developers, with no local ties or interest, who attempt to convert the buildings to flats. Many end up boarded up when planning permissions are declined. Imagine the OG boarded up! What a sad blight that would be in the centre of Corwen when the town ought to be thriving as the “Gatweway to Snowdonia”.

By purchasing the OG we ensure not just the future of the building but also ensure that it continues to serve Corwen as a social hub and as a focal point for tourists visiting the Town. We can develop catering and accommodation services, currently sadly lacking in the town, and ensure a regular program of events. As a ‘not for profit’ organisation, profits from the business can be used to support and develop other projects to the benefit of Corwen and outlying villages. The building itself can be made available for the use of clubs and societies and access improved so as to serve the whole community. With the tourist railway link into Corwen becoming a reality this is a perfect opportunity to boost the profile of the town and launch a new period of prosperity, reversing the decline of recent years.

We believe that a thriving ‘local’ is a key element to the future regeneration of Corwen and collectively we have the opportunity, right now, to invest in our own future, and that of the town as a whole, by clubbing together to buy the OG Hotel and ensuring its future.